It has been an eventful last few weeks...the work continues on house #4. Here Jimmy is getting ready for the cement to be poured into the foundation walls, I guess that contraption he is carrying is to to get rid of any evil spirits in the concrete...ghost buster style(lol)

Kelly, always ready to help out!

The pour went well,

Next the floor joists...

Then the floor.

Now for the back filling.

All was going well...then the hydraulics went out on the tractor, so now waiting for it to be repaired.

Here are a few pix of Easter...Kelly and Mike coloring eggs..

Easter Dinner

Kelly and I hiked up to the top of the hill behind our house, you can see our home and home site below. What a wonderful view!! That is a walk I need to take a lot more often.

Lucy and Nevaeh on a walk..

All tuckered out with Daisey.

What intelligent grandpups I have!!

Mike playing favorites

We have had a wonderful spring with Kelly home for a visit! On Monday she loaded up her puppies and took off for her new home in Manitoba. We miss her, but are looking forward to visiting her and Ryan and seeing their new home next month.