Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Little Loves!

Gobble 'till you Wobble

We had a quite a houseful for Thangsgiving! About 16, All of my children and grandchildren, my sweet SIL & her hubby and my dear nieces and newphew. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Missing you Dad

.Dad passed away on October 26. He was 87 years old. He was so exhausted from his Parkinson's, lung issues and skin cancer that he just didn't have anything left when he fell and broke his hip.

Life without Dad is going to be weird....he has always been there for us....a Rock.


Mom married Roy when I was 12 years old. They would have been married 46 years this November 12th. He was a man of patience, wit and wisdom. Selfless.. always putting others ahead of himself ...right up to the very end.  
I already miss his presence. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Life can be Tough

My dad turned 87 on October 8th. He has had a tough time dealing with Parkinson's, skin cancer and now pulmonary fibrousis. He has been able to get around in the house okay using a cane on and off. I always have told him we would do all we could to let him live at home. We signed up for Hospice support just a few days ago, had hospital bed, walker and wheelchair coming. Then fate raised it's ugly head.  We went to Dad's home and he had fallen in his bedroom and couldn't get up from the floor. It happed that the hospice nurse was there too. He was in too much pain to move so we called  911 for the ambulance to take him to the ER in Toasket. Then it was worst case stenario ... He had broken his hip. He was transported to the Omak Hospital for surgery. It ended up he had a total hip replacement. A huge shock to an already frail body. Today he is tired, weak and groggy. PT has been in to get him up and around, not too successfully, he's eaten a little. I talked with the Dr tonight and the prognosis isn't real hopeful. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fishing at Vernita Bridge

We packed up the motorhome, hooked up the boat and headed down to Vernita Bridge in south central Washington, it was being called the 'hot spot' for salmon fishing on the Columbia River. We camped in a rocky barren field along with about a hundred or so other fishermen. We got there at around 2:30 and the temperature was in the 90's, so we launched the boat to check out the fishing and to escape the midday heat. The salmon were jumping all over and we checked out a few holes without getting as much as a bite. Now I'm not a fisherman at all, that is Mikes area...I was the boat driver and salmon pole for me.  We watched the full moon come up while on the river...what a beautiful site to see!

The next morning we were on the water by 7am going to Mike's chosen hole...the Hatchery Hole. He fished there for most of the morning getting a few bites and loosing one when the line broke. Finally at around 12:30 he caught his first salmon on a spoon lure he was casting in an effort to try something new. It didn't disappoint. It fought hard and it took about 15 minutes to get it  in by a perfect netting job by me. I was so afraid I was going to knock it off the hook and loose it for him....whew!  It was nice fish! We got back in around 4pm. 



On Thursday morning Jessie drove down to join us, he was there by 6:30 am. The river was steaming as we headed to our hole, a lot more boats on the water too. Mike caught the first salmon, then Jessie  then Mike  then Jessie again. They each caught 2 nice ones! It was a fun day. We all headed back to Cashmere so Becky could go fishing too and I would stay home with Emma & Molly.

Of course Pepi and Lucy came too


Friday Mike caught the only and largest salmon (12-15 lbs). They had fun fishing on the river and I had a great time with my  Grands!


                                                      Molly .... such a sweetie!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A fun weekend!

We trekked over the mountains to visit Mike's sister, Pam, and her husband, Ben. They are such great hosts! Great food and family times. Pam had a whole itinerary of activities for us...breakfast out at a local hotspot (delicious), mani-pedis, a car show, sailing with dinner on the boat (amazing!), BBQ with family and a Boing tour. They wore us out for sure! (LOL)

Pam & me in her backyard

Pam's daughter Shannon

Mike & Shannon

Our nephew Dion with Mike

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Year Later

It has been almost a year since my last post. Mike has nearly finished the house and it is really nice.

We still have to paint the outside, but are waiting for the weather to cool down a bit and get the inside finished.

Our little sweeties are growing up, they are so much FUN! They had fun riding Rocket around the yard.

Molly and Kate are our two new granddaughters, they are just 6 weeks apart! So cute and sweet! (Molly in stripes, Kate in second pic)