The first picture above is of the master bathroom and closet, the next two are of the master bedroom. This area used to be the kitchen/laundry room/back porch and guest bathroom.
Above is the new kitchen/dining area.

The plan is for Mike and Jessie to spray the primer and ceiling paint on tomorrow...then on Thursday and Friday we will paint! We have most of the paint...but still need to find a color for the kitchen. Hummm....I have a few ideas.
Jessie is getting the foundation for his house put in this week. He will be ready to build as soon as the remodel is through.
We got the blueprints for our next house too. Mike will get started on that after the third cutting of hay is in. It is a really cool house!!
My baby Dixie is growing fast! She is changing colors, and is quite a mixture right now. She is such a sweetie..I am enjoying her a lot.
The last picture is of Dixie with her grandma Mandy...How sweet!!